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OPCA Litigants fight back against fraudsters

John McDonald

Terry Kerslake and Tim Kohut bring actions in the Alberta Court of Justice against known Fraudster Kevin Kumar and his son Colton Kumar in response to being duped into money for nothing style Organized Pseudo-legal Commercial Argument schemes.

Between 2023 and 2024 Kerslake and Kohut under the direction of the Kevin and Colton Kumar using a now defunct website brought a number of lawsuits against creditors such as the Royal Bank of Canada, Capital One, and others to their detriment including costs awards.

Together the Kumar’s through their company 1304139 B.C. LTD have collected a little over $50,000.00 from Kerslake and Kohut (and who knows how many others).

The UnitedWeStandPeople scam is comprised of some key elements described by Associate Chief Justice Nielsen of Alberta’s Court of King’s Bench as:

“the debtor claims to have a “private lender” who will pay for any outstanding debt;

the debtor demands the debt contract is proven by an “original wet ink signed loan document (NOT a photocopy);” and

the lender must provide an affidavit from a chartered accountant to verify the debt was not sold, otherwise no debt exists.”

Kerslake and Kohut have brought actions against Kevin and Colton Kumar in the Alberta Court of Justice claiming Fraud, Conspiracy and Unjust Enrichment. None of the allegations have been proven in Court.

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